Step into a world where architecture meets optical illusion at Think Corner’s main staircase. Marvel at the Penrose stairs, a design that challenges perceptions and invites curiosity. With each ascent or descent, experience the impossible staircase—a visual phenomenon that makes you question reality. This masterpiece of wood and steel not only connects floors but also minds, as it becomes a central piece in the architectural conversation. Join us on this journey of discovery, where every step is a step towards innovation.

Behind the Scenes: The Architectural Symphony of Think Corner- Part 1
🌿 Embracing Nature with Finnish Pine At the heart of Think Corner lies a commitment to creating a space that breathes tranquility and warmth. The extensive use of Finnish pine across various scales of space is not just a design choice but a homage to nature’s calming influence.
🔨 Durability Meets Aesthetics with Wooden Blocks The floors, reminiscent of a resilient shop floor, are crafted from wooden blocks set on end. Glued to plywood and treated with colorless oil, they are designed to withstand heavy use while aging gracefully, developing a patina that tells a story of the many feet that have traversed them.